Friday, January 30, 2015

Skin Care Week

If you haven't noticed, I take skin care very very seriously. You can have the best outfit in the world, rock the hottest shoes, but if you lack confidence because your skin isn't under control... your perfect outfit is ruined.

I understand finding the perfect skin care product is a tedious and horrible process.. but it is worth it. In hopes of speeding up the process, here a few extra tips for overall healthy skin without using products!

Drink Water Drink Water Drink Water!

Drinking water is probably the best thing for your skin, and your overall health! The more water you drink the more glowing your skin will look and it will have a noticeable effect, I promise. Adding lemon or mint leafs into your water is an easy way to make it taste better, get a few more added nutrients, and also look super cool because you have fancy things in your water unlike those... regular people who drink regular water.

Use another face towel!

This tip may be basic for some of you... but others may never have even thought about it. When you wash your face at night, and hopefully in the morning, when you dry your face is it on the same towel you dry your hands? If so... STOP! Hand towels have so much dirt, bacteria and germs on them that you probably have never thought about it... and don't want to think about again after this post. All I ask is that you use a separate towel to dry your face at night!

PAT don't rub!

Weird title I understand... but it will make sense it a minute. After you dry your face with your own separate face towel... please don't rub your face dry. Rubbing on your skin to dry it, just as you would to dry your hands, only pulls at the skin on your face. The skin on our face is so sensitive that the constant pulling from 'rubbing' your face dry can cause irritation and the dreaded w-word no one wants to hear.... wrinkles! Pat your face dry and all the redness you see after your wash your face will slowly disappear!

Regularly Wash your Pillow Cases

This may be another tip some may say is super simple, but others may have never thought about it. Your pillow cases hold all the sweat (gross), oil and bacteria from your face and hair every night so if you go more than 2 weeks without throwing it in the wash... you are risking your skin to have oil and dirt build up.

Lastly, love your skin!

I know there are a billion and one things you can complain about on your face. Example, I hate how oily my skin gets, how my skin pigmentation makes any foundation look orange, and that I break out around my mouth every other day... but I've learned to embrace it. Just as much as this skin annoys me, it is the very one thing that sets me apart from others. Love your skin! It's yours and it makes you YOU! This blog is all about embracing your story... so learning how to embrace your skin in apart of the journey!

Now for the Skin Care Secret you will fall in love with!

This is my Lemon and Sugar Magical Facial

Ingredients: Lemon, lemon juice they sell in the bottle works just as well, cotton ball, sugar (hopefully organic, but any kind will do)

- First step is to take off you makeup if you are wearing any, and wash your face with warm water, warm water opens up your pores and helps your skin to purge out all the impurities!

- Next, squeeze the lemon, or pour the lemon juice onto the cotton ball. The lemon helps erase blackheads, corrects discoloration, can diminish scaring and fills you face with healthy nutrients.

- Pour sugar onto the cotton ball, it will stick to the lemon juice, and then start scrubbing this on your face! The sugar acts as an exfoliant to scrub away dead skin!

- It may feel harsh at first, but it will slowly start to calm down and you will be giving your face the most magical gift ever.

- Once you have scrubbed your face, wash away the sugar with warm water, pat you face dry and enjoy the results. Use twice a week or anytime you need a little pickup!

Your face will feel SO soft you will turn into a crazy person and make everyone feel it... I should have added that disclaimer in the beginning..
This scrub will give your face a gorgeous glow and it will make it feel insanely smooth. Use this before a night out and glow for all the pictures you better take!

If you try this out and love it, comment below and let me know!

Connect with me on all my social media! Links are in the sidebar!

I hope your skin care week has been clean and glowing. From my bathroom cabinet to yours, I hope you find products you love!

Thanks for reading, until next time!

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