Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Top Six Winter Tips

Unfortunately, the winter months are in full effect, and the end is still far away. The holidays have left us feeling like a day after online shopping; you are afraid to check your bank account, you spent most of the time alone, and none of your clothes ever fit right.

Fear not my children, there are a few tricks I have up my sleeve to help you beat your winter depression, and look better than everyone else doing it!

1. Do 30 minutes of physical activity a day!

Despite the cold and freezing weather, you can make time for 30 minutes of some form of physical activity. Take a trip to the gym with friends, find some fun workout videos online, do jumping jacks, sit-ups and pushups while you are watching your favorite show, or be brave and bundle up to take on the cold for a run around your neighborhood! The exercise will help shed some holiday weight, plus the endorphins will leave you feeling better in no time!

2. Stock up on sugar scrub!

I will be posting a new sugar scrub recipe later this week (posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays now!!)  but in the meantime, go to your nearest target and pick up Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub Coconut Lime. I am obsessed with this! As much as I love making my own masks, sometimes (prepare for a blogger confession) I don't feel like making my own! This is my favorite scrub to grab and totally refresh my skin. Use a scrub once a week to refresh dry and rough winter skin. Not only will this make your skin shine, it'll help moisturize it from all the dry weather.

3. Splurge on things to keep you warm!

No one wants to wear jackets to begin with, but you especially don't want to wear any that aren't even cute! This is a good investment, trust me I took high school economics, I know what I am talking about... Take the time to try on winter jackets. Stick with neutrals and you will be more inclined to wear them everyday without having to change your outfit! My favorite accessory is a fun textured scarf, they give texture to a plain jacket and they can also be worn with the outfit underneath! Splurge on some matching gloves and scarf to make traveling in the winter a little more stylish.

4. Pick up some of your favorite teas! 

After a day in the cold, there is nothing better than curling up with a good book or you favorite movie and a nice, warm cup of tea. Teas are known to actually reduce stress, anxiety, calm nerves and cure a wide range of sickness, plus the yummy taste makes any sad mood happy. My favorite nighttime tea is chamomile, it soothes my overworked mind and puts me in a relaxed state before bed! If tea isn't your thing, I'm also a huge fan of Vanilla Bean Latte K-Cups! One teaspoon of raw sugar and you will be on your way to beating the winter blues.

5.  Redecorate, DIY, and Redo 

When snow days keep you stuck inside, instead of laying around and watching tv all day... find some broken or boring things in your house and spend your day working out your brain and creativity by doing some DIY! Working with your hands and using all your creativity will keep you from feeling sad and fuzzy stuck inside all day! Your house will look better, creating a better and happier environment.. everyone wins!

6. Spend time with the people who matter! 

The BEST way to beat the winter depression is to surround yourself with the most important people in your life! Cold weather leaves you looking for warmth, and I promise there is nothing better than spending time with your family and friends. Let the people around you in on how you are feeling and beat the blues together!

Hope some of these tips help you make the best of this winter! Let me know down below which one is your favorite!

I will be posting twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as regularly as I can. 

Thanks for reading, until next time!

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