Sunday, September 28, 2014

Trading Posts & Flea Markets

Furniture, food, jewelry, art, clothes and a glimpse of what I imagine heaven to look like, if you don't know what I'm describing, it's a Trading post!

OMG I am so in love with trading posts, farmers market, (even though sometimes those are only food) or flea markets, they are seriously heaven. If you live in the southern California area, and you haven't been to the Melrose Trading Post, you might as well move out of California because clearly you know nothing. But, if you do not live in this area, take a stroll over to google and search local trading posts/trade shows and I'm sure you'll find a hidden gem trading posts somewhere near you! Melrose Trading Post is every Sunday, 10-5 and it's the happiest place on earth - I swear. 

These shows can be overwhelming to say the least. They usually have hundreds of tents selling an array of a billion different things but I've so kindly put together a "Need to Know Survival" list for a newcomer to follow going to a trade show. Before I give you this high profile security secret list, let me show you some of my favorite purchases from my trading post adventures! 

The cutest hat with gold chains for $15 
Two vintage white picture frames for $5 each - the perfect wall decorations

Literally the worlds best find! A vintage mint green bench for $50!! My sister and I practically died when we found it, it fits perfectly in our hallway.

$5 Capricorn necklace, which is the best necklace to layer with!

$25 rug sent from the interior design gods! I had been on the lookout for a rug to cover up the huge space in my room, and this rug was exactly what I was looking for! Handmade Indian Mint green Rug

As you can see, I've found some perfect little gems at the trading post! I try to go at least once a month, and I have never left empty handed.. no matter how hard I try.

Here is my Need to Know Survival List 

1. DO wear comfortable shoes - you'll be walking around alllll day and comfortable shoes will keep you from giving up early!

2. DO bring cash -although most places can accept cards, you'll never want to lose out on a deal because you don't have cash on hand

3. DON'T give up on an item - these flea markets sell one of kind items! if you love it, chances are, so will everyone else & you'll beat yourself up if you lost a must have item, because they usually don't come around often!

4. DO! DO! DO! make friends with the owners of a tent or show you like - making a connection will benefit you in more ways than one! Owners will often lowers prices or cut you a deal if you spend some time getting to know them and their shop, they'll also let you in on upcoming pieces! It will pay off in the end, plus these people are usually super cool

5. DO show up early - you'll get the first look at unique items and usually the lines aren't too bad!

6. DO know measurements - if you are looking for furniture or specific pieces, knowing the exact measurement is key! most places don't allow returns so you'll want to know what you are looking for the first time

7. DO ask questions - most of these pieces have history and a story, so don't be afraid to ask, it'll help you determine its worth, also questions about price matter! you can haggle a price down if you are brave enough to do so (I'm too scared to though I get so embarrassed...) 

8. DO take a deep breath and go slow - don't allow people to rush you or make you skip tents! these markets are usually overwhelming, but if you take it tent by tent and have fun, it'll be a worthwhile experience 

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